Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sookie and the Leaky Pee Pee

Sookie has this neurotic doberman trait where she licks incessantly. Sometimes this means she is licking herself and others it means she is licking the couch or the bed or wherever else she has parked her butt for the night. So often it would be normal to wake up in the middle of the night to hear the the sloppy sounds of her licking and to feel a wet spot from where she has marked her territory in saliva.

So imagine my surprise when one morning I wake up to not a small little saliva puddle but a gigantic unidentifiable puddle. After some investigation I determined it was in fact Urine. Now this was a few months ago. I investigated further watched the dog saw no signs of pain or infection and wrote it off to she had a weird nightmare and then months went buy and nothing similar occurred. Then Last Month it happened twice...

Then this month it was happening twice in one night and I was sure worried and now completely sick of washing my bedding daily!!

So I made an appointment with the Vet. They told me get a urine sample. Hmmm how do you do that. The advise of the tech follow her with a pie tin.  Interesting... I followed her with a Tupperware around the backyard trying to slyly collect her leaky pee pee that may solve this urinary mystery.

So Sookie went to squat and I through the plastic underneath and I collected her pee like no bodies business. Yes I do what needs to be done.

So we went to the vet the urine was tested and her temperature was taken (so not a fun thing to watch your dog get a rectal thermometer!) and sure enough no infection. Sookie just has a leaky pee pee. The short story is my not even 4 year old dobie is having old lady issues because she lacks a uterus. In her sleep she leaks pee and doesn't even know!

Great so now she's on pills that create a whole other world of problems for my baby girl!

So the mystery is not quite solve and Sookie may continue to have a leaky pee pee... So please send diapers!

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